What do you think of when you think of Valentine’s Day? When we were young, we remember the thought of how many valentines we would need for our elementary school class and how fun it would be to make our own “Valentine box.”  As we got older, our thoughts changed to nervousness about who we would ask to the high school dance or how we could impress our dates. As we entered adulthood and the holiday became more commercialized, we would be surrounded by images of red roses and pink hearts. we looked forward to having a partner to spoil with chocolate kisses.

But even when we stop growing physically, we never stop growing emotionally, do we?  Over the years, our sentiments about the holiday have continued to change. Starting families of our own made us really reflect on holiday traditions and what memories we wanted to make for our own children. It got us thinking of how people share their love with others in their lives.

We think of how we’ve seen love shown in cinema.  For example, professing love in the grandest of gestures with rose petals, balloons, and giant teddy bears. But that’s not what we’ve personally seen in our lifetime.  We’ve seen young people in our neighborhoods quietly tape hearts on doors – leaving a “heart attack”, if you will – to show love to unsuspecting neighbors. Or a galantine’s brunch, an annual celebration of their friendship every February.  We have friends who are single who celebrate the day by treating their pets or take a self-love day for themselves.

There are many different ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and you’re allowed to share the love you have with anyone you want. Sharing your love with others is something that should be celebrated.  And that, to us, is what Valentine’s Day is truly about.  Beyond cards and candy, beyond chocolate and roses, it’s an opportunity to tell others how much we love them.  Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers…or in our case, you.

Valentine’s Day is about appreciating every form of love.

So, on behalf of everyone here at Feliciano Financial, we hope you have a wonderful holiday.  May it be personal, not commercial.  May it be spent however and with whomever you wish.  And no matter how you celebrate your love,

We hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day!

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