Financial Planning can be overwhelming.

We are here to help.

The Feliciano Financial Blueprintâ„¢

Building a secure retirement starts with a rock-solid financial
base. Just like a house, you need a strong foundation to
withstand any storm.

Worried about outliving your money in retirement? We hear you.
Let’s face it, retirement planning can feel overwhelming. You’ve worked hard for decades, but the thought of that regular paycheck disappearing can be scary. What if your savings run dry? What if healthcare costs explode?

That’s where a smart retirement plan comes in. It’s not just about saving money – it’s about turning your savings into a steady income stream that lasts as long as you need it. Think of it as building a retirement income machine that keeps paying you even after you stop working.

Schedule Free 15-Minute Call

Schedule your FREE Feliciano Financial Blueprint™ Phone Call with a Certified Financial Planner™ today! We want you to have the opportunity to have any questions about money answered with no obligation. 

Use this form or call us directly at:

(903) 533-8585

What will your Blueprint look like?

To Schedule a Consultation or learn more about any of our services, click the image. Income Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Health Care Planning, and/or Legacy Planning.

What will your Blueprint look like?
Schedule a Consultatation Income Planning Investment Planning Tax Planning Health Care Planning Legacy Planning What's your Blueprint?

Schedule a Consultatation

Income Planning

You will need to cover expenses with reliability and predictability both in your working life and in retirement.

  • Income and Expense Analysis
  • Strategies to Increase Income
  • Social Security Maximization
  • Inflation Plan
  • Spousal Plan

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Investment Planning

With the Income Plan finalized, we’ll help you create an Investment Plan for the remaining assets that you do not need to draw from on a month-to-month basis.

  • Assessing your Risk Tolerance
  • Adjusting your portfolio to reduce or eliminate fees
  • Risk Reduction
  • Comprehensive Money Management

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Tax Planning

Your Comprehensive Retirement Plan must include a suitable strategy to address taxes.

  • Assessing the taxable nature of your current holdings
  • Strategies to include tax-deferred or tax-free money in your plan
  • Strategies to reduce your tax burden
  • Strategies to leave tax-free dollars to your benefi­ciaries

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Health Care Planning

We’ll create a plan designed to help you protect yourself against rising healthcare costs.

  • Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C and D medicine
  • Long Term Care Plan and/or Health Insurance
  • Analyzing Current Health Insurance

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Legacy Planning

It’s important to make sure your remaining assets – assets you’ve works so hard for – go to your bene­ficiaries, and not to taxes. By working collaboratively with a qualified Estate Planning Attorney, our goal is to help you:

  • Review your Will or Living Trusts
  • Maximize your estate and income tax planning opportunities
  • Protect assets in trust and ensure they are distributed to your bene­ficiaries probate free
  • Protect your IRA and qualifi­ed accounts from becoming fully taxable to your benefi­ciaries

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What's your Blueprint?

To Schedule a Consultation or learn more about any of our services, click the image. Income Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Health Care Planning, and/or Legacy Planning.

Not ready to get started?

Need more Information?

Or call 903-533-8585

East Texas’ Premier Financial Planning Firm

Our mission is to inspire and motivate people to be proactive and to live their lives on purpose. We are proud to have served from our home in Tyler for over 30 years.

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with a Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢.
Use this form or call us directly.

(903) 533-8585

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