Building value within your life’s work.

Business Financial Planning

For Business Owners

As a business owner, a significant portion of your wealth, and certainly your time, is tied into your business. We help businesses develop tools and strategies which grow business value, attract and retain key employees, protect assets, mitigate risk, and prepare for succession and/or exit. Let us help you make sure your business activities are consistent with your long-term personal goals and objectives.

Schedule a Consultation with us to assess your business and optimize your enterprise.

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Schedule a consultation today and let’s see if we can help you too.
Use this form or call us directly at:

(903) 533-8585

Custom Group benefits

401k, Group Health, Group Life, Executive Bonus Plans and More

We believe group benefits should add value to your business, not just be a cost. As a business owner, you have many choices when it comes to offering Group Benefits to your employees. Being able to offer benefits that meet the needs of your employees will translate to a happier team of employees, and a happier team means your customers will benefit in the end. Further, finding benefits which your employees need and want can help you find, motivate, and retain top talent against the competition.

As independent advisors, we have access to shop the best benefits providers for best-of-breed products, while making sure each part of your benefits plan matches your financial and human resource goals.

Discuss your specific business needs and goals for Group Benefits with our team of advisors today.

Let’s Get Together

Schedule a consultation today and let’s see if we can help you too.
Use this form or call us directly at:

(903) 533-8585

Free Downloads – Business Planning Tools to Know

There are a few basic business planning tools that every business owner should know. Click on a term to access a free pamphlet that dives deeper into the topic, and we hope these resources help you get started to more complete business financial planning.

Business Retirement Planning

Designing a plan to fit your company’s needs can be complicated by the numerous financial, tax and legal considerations, so be sure to get professional advice.

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Business Valuation

Very few business owners exit their business when they planned to. Knowing the ins and outs of how businesses are valued can help prepare you for a valuation, and help ensure you maximize the opportunity.

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Buy-Sell Agreements

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding document signed by owners of property (typically a business) placing certain restrictions on the transfer of property and requiring specified actions upon specified events.

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Closely-Held Business

Why determine the current value of a business? Because if a major shareholder or partner dies, and you have not determined a value, the Internal Revenue Service will do it for you.

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Deferred Compensation

The use of non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements has grown substantially in recent years.

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Key Man Insurance

The death of a key person can result in serious consequences for the business. Credit could be substantially impaired, or even worse, loans would be called if the key person were a co-signer.

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Employee 401k Planning

The 401(k) type of retirement plan is perhaps the fastest growing plan in the country. This is true because employers find it a cost-efficient and attractive addition to their benefit package and because assets grow quicker when employers and employees are both contributing.

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Employee Bonus Plans

Stripped of all “bells and whistles,” an executive bonus plan can be provided as an executive-owned life insurance policy, with premiums paid from the business.

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Feliciano Financial Group

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